Thursday 30 May 2013

Penis enlargement website online

my penis enlargement website is now online, its taken a long time i know, but hey Rome wasnt built in a day though was it ?
      I hope you like it and hopefully i will be developing it over the long term, (its taken long enough)
I decided to go for wordpress in the end and used a good theme for seo, nice and clean just the basic code with everything stripped out and optimized for the serps.
             If you think that you want to see anything extra put on my penis enlargement website - just let me know - or any ways to improve it as im always interested in other peoples opinions on how to improve things.
         Im not sure about the color - if it will stay - i much prefer very bright colors but this is not a good idea when it comes to webdesign as it takes everything away from the content, i'll see how it goes and change it as i add content to the site.
       I used wordpress for a number of reasons - probably near the top of the list are simplicity and seo, seo because wordpress is known to be good for seo, and specifically the theme i used (this was after a lot of time consuming research by me and i narrowed it down to 2 themes, and then to this theme because is was supposed to be more user friendly that the other one and less of a learning curve than the other one, simplicity because no need to know any html or anything about web design or anything else really - you just put the text in etc and press go and thats it, and as i mentioned earlier there were too many complications and uncertanties with vbulletin so i decided to to give vbulletin a miss and just settle for something that was reliabubble.
       Here is a penis enlargement picture to celebrate my new website
isnt she lovely guaranteed to give you a bigger penis
then again what about this one  - penis enlargement is so much fun isnt it  !!!!!!

ive just discovered that sexy girls and penis enlargement go well together